CPARs Targets
Contract Risk Analysis
Cost, Schedule & Performance Assessment
Contract Execution Strategy
Performance Management
Performance Plan Mgt.
Scope Reviews
Gov. Engagements
Contract Modifications
Self-Scoring CPARs Reports
Annual CPARs Representation
Augmented Admin Support
Contract Deliverables
Quality Control Plans
ODC Buys, Travel, & Reimbursement
Invoicing, Budgeting, & Expenditures
Performance Plan
Contract Management
Performance Management
Acquisition SME Support
Contract and Performance Management service was designed to give small and mid-size businesses industry-leading tools and cost-saving resources so they can focus on what they do best. With Clearwood, you're able to leverage our dedicated acquisition professionals as well as our specialized post-award solutions in a ways that will enhance your existing business operations and drive contract performance levels.
Contract & Performance Management
Enhance workforce operations and optimize existing business office staff in a more effective way, while Clearwood takes care of your selected contract administration functions or certain regulatory requirements.
Just getting started, or ready to take your business to the next level? Rather than hiring a full-time contracts staff, let Clearwood's trained and dedicated acquisition professionals handle certain business office functions so your team can dedicate their time and energy to your top priorities. You'll be resting easy knowing Clearwood is keeping your company compliant with federal acquisition regulations and contract administration requirements, while also delivering excellence to you and your customers.